Driving Directions:
They say the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. So, whether you are coming to Journey Inn by plane, car or train, from the north, south, east or west, our directions are tried and true. They are the most direct and will not fail you, like some web directions we know. And if all else fails, just remember Hyde Park is in the heart of the Hudson River Valley, it is home to President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, we are across from the Vanderbilt Mansion and just 3 miles straight north of The Culinary Institute of America (CIA). Our upstate New York bed and breakfast provides lodging near Poughkeepsie, Rhinebeck, and New Paltz.
We wish you a safe journey, and we look forward to meeting you!
Take a copy of these Directions with you – Download the Driving Directions
From NYS Thruway (from North)
Read More1. Exit 19 (Kingston)
2. At the traffic circle, take Route 28 West to Route 209 North.
3. Follow Route 209 North/199 East over the Kingston/Rhinecliff Bridge.
4. Continue on 199 East.
5. Bear right at the second traffic light onto Route 9G South.
6. Make a right at the next traffic light onto Route 9 South.
7. Continue on Route 9 South for approximately 11 miles.
8. Make left onto Sherwood Place then another immediate left into our 400 ft. driveway.
From Newark Airport
Read More1. Ask at the airport how to get on to the New Jersey Garden State Parkway North
2. Stay on the Garden State Parkway North until the end. (about one hour)
3. Follow the signs for the New York State Thruway (87) North towards Albany
(This is a left hand exit)
4. Stay on the NYS Thruway North (87) until Exit 18 (New Paltz)
5. After toll take Rt. 299 East to the end. (about 5 miles)
6. Make right onto Rt. 9W South.
7. Continue until exit for Mid-Hudson Bridge (Franklin Roosevelt Bridge)
8. After bridge take the first exit right onto Rt. 9 North to Hyde Park.
9. Stay on Rt. 9 North for about 6 and ½ miles
10. Make a right onto Sherwood Place then an immediate left into our 400ft driveway
(We are located directly across the street from the entrance to the Vanderbilt Mansion)
From NYS Thruway (from South)
Read More1. Exit 18 (New Paltz).
2. Take Route 299 East to the end.
3. Make right onto Route 9W South.
4. Continue until exit for Mid-Hudson Bridge (Franklin Roosevelt Bridge).
5. After bridge take the first exit onto Route 9 North to Hyde Park.
6. Continue on Route 9 North for approximately 6 miles.
7. Make a right onto Sherwood Place then an immediate left into our 400 ft. driveway.
From LaGuardia Airport
Read More1. Ask at the car rental how to get to the Whitestone Bridge
2. After taking the Whitestone Bridge get onto the Hutchinson River Parkway (North)
3. Take the Hutchinson until 684 (North)
(684 begins where you enter from the Hutchinson so there is only one direction and that would be north.)
4. Take 684 until 84 (West)
5. Stay on 84 (West) until Exit 13 for – Fishkill, Rt. 9 North, (Poughkeepsie)
6. Take Rt. 9 – North for about ½ hour to Hyde Park (You will know when you enter Hyde Park when Rt. 9 goes down to one lane.)
7. One block before Sherwood Place you will see a red neon sign for the Vanderbilt Motel.
8. We are the next block make a right onto Sherwood Place and an immediate left into our 400 foot driveway
From the Taconic Parkway
Read More1. Exit at Route 115 (Salt Point Turnpike).
2. From South, bear left onto Route 115.
3. From North, bear right onto Route 115.
4. Continue 3 miles then bear right onto Route 41.
5. Continue for 8 miles. At 3rd traffic light take right onto Route 9 North.
6. Sherwood Place is the second street on the right followed by an immediate left into our 400 ft. driveway.
From JFK Airport
Read More1. Van Wyck Exp.(678) North to Whitestone Exp.(678)
2. Take Whitestone Bridge
3. After Bridge take 678 to Hutchinson River Pkwy.
4. Stay on Hutchinson till I-684(North)
5. Then take I-84 West
6. Exit @ Fishkill/Rte.9 North(we are approx. 30 minutes north from Fishkill)
From Stewart-Newburgh Airport
Read More1. Take Rte.207/East till Rte 300/North (make a left) stay till I-84 East.
2. Exit at I-84 and get onto 9W north, till the Mid-Hudson Bridge (Franklin Delano Roosevelt Bridge).
3. After bridge take the first exit right onto Rte.9 North to Hyde Park.
4. Stay on Rte.9 North for approx.6 6/10 miles.
5. Take a right onto Sherwood Place then an immediate left into our 400ft. driveway.